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worth waiting for
11:54 a.m. - 04.13.03

ok - where were we:

i was in dan's truck in my driveway. it was a nice evening seeing the play with our friends. it was super nice of him to drive from the east side to pick me up for the play that was even farther east.

i think we were both surprised and a bit dissappointed when we learned that we had different views on the war and such. we get along so well otherwise, except he is more 'catholic' than i am. he goes to church every sunday in little italy. his mom says novinas for him to quit smoking and he thinks they are starting to work. man, he is the perfect guy next door. he is going to make someone very happy. it will only be me on a friendship level, though. i think we both realized that.

we were both glad that we were able to talk about things. he said that he really respects me and loves having me as a good friend. i told him the same. 'i really like you,' i said. 'i really like you' he said with that smile. we hugged for a little bit. i left and said 'you're awesome.'

i really am blessed with know ing all of these good men in my life now. they are all only just friends. i trust them. they dig me. i am everyone's buddy. and ya know - that's exactly what i needed, and that's all i need for now.

actually, it's been a while since i have had good friends close in my life. it's nice when steph asks me to sleep over and danielle wants my opinions over lunch regarding the art benefit. now that i'm thinking about it - i had 2 bad relationships at the same time - chris my rapist ex, and patsy - the woman i had the co-dependant friendship with. i guess it has taken me this long to trust both genders.

things are worth waiting for.

worth waiting for - 04.13.03

a> The current mood of at