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war, walmart and whoppers
11:31 p.m. - 05.04.02

today has been a bit uneasy and unexplainable. the sailor is leaving tomorrow. i think it's wierd when he writes me and says 'he's goin' back to work' when i keep thinking 'he's going back to war.' and that's his job. i support anyone who willfully sacrifices their life and soul for the protection of their loved ones and their foundation. i firmly believe in fighting for what you know is right. however i think that we have nothing in front of us to believe except propaganda. all we hear on our side is about all the propaganda the terrorists are feeding us, all the propaganda china feeds its people, etc. etc. does our government and corporate lobbyists think that we are stupid enough to believe that we have always been, and will always be, one hundred percent noble in our efforts? does anyone really believe that nothing was EVER our fault. Does anyone know how much the us and boeing and all the weapons manufactures make LOTS MORE MONEY IN WAR THAN IN PEACE? hell, i worked at a radio station - i saw how the news was 'massaged' for entertainment and sensation values. i sat in the marketing meetings - not in the conference room - but the WAR ROOM as we called it. ratings wars - and we were to do anything to get us to jump a point or two next month. we were in war for airtime and money, money, money -- does anyone actually think it's different in D.C. - after all, they are not trying to sell commercials - they are just trying to sell a war.i have to believe more people question this - but then Wal Mart has a big sale so everyone gets sidetracked. Ghandi said, 'an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.' but in this day and age people don't even want to see. if they can taste a whopper blindfolded that is all the security they need.

war, walmart and whoppers - 05.04.02

a> The current mood of at