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thanks day
7:38 a.m. - 11.28.02

well, happy thanksgiving to all the folks in the states. grandma, matt and i did a lot of the prep yesterday. potatoes done, stuffing mixed and ready to bake. the bird's sittin' there, too. i went to bed early last night, so i'm up early. i enjoy mornings to myself sometimes. i usually CAN'T get up at this time, so when i do it's always special. there's usually some good college radio sets and listening to the news on public radio sipping my coffe is always cool, too.

i always like to seize holidays and have them serve as marking points. three thanksgivings ago i was in new york with chris watching the parade. it rained and chris eentually became the bed-wetting date-rapist, but seeing the parade and walking across the brooklyn bridge at sunrise was cool. i know some day i'll do it right with the one i'm supposed to do it with. there will be another parade.

the last two thanksgivings have been with my aunt and uncle from my dad's side. my mom usually works and we have our dinner on friday. it has been nice sharing a holiday with my dad's side of the family. it's been 20 years. this year i'm going to try to make it over there later this morning, since mom is off this year and we are eating at 3.

oh, i didn't see johnny the other night. it started snowing and i din't have the car, anyway. i offered that if he felt like it he could take the 20-30 min drive and meet me over here. that's when he agreed to my first offer, to wait until after thankgiving, and talk then.

yea, he was kinda 'dissapointed' that i said i couldn't come over to his place (again). but he was 'too tired, and busy drawing' to get his butt in the car and drive to my hood once.

anyway, everyone eat well today.

thanks day - 11.28.02

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