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well ,,, she's got a nice personality
12:38 p.m. - 04.10.03

guys suck so bad -- or a least i do ...

no word from that guy i asked on a date last week at all - plus - anyone who i've asked says he has or just had a girlfriend.

girlfriend - so that why he was being so 'gentlemanly"


i'm so fucking embarrased. see what happenes to me when i stick my neck out and ask someone out. plus - i could have asked my friend dan (the orange guy) - yea, i could have been turned down and humiliated by him as well. i don't even want to show my face to any of those people again

also, i totally embarrassed myself by asking my friend abe for any 'insight." he's been the guy in the group that i've known the longest. it turned out to be yet another bad decision. man, i'm on a roll. i learned the hard way that guys will just not talk about guy/girl issues with a girl. he got all uncomfortable and said'well, when it happens, it happens.' then he said that the guy had or has a girlfriend. i asked him to please forget that i said any of this, but we were both so embarrassed. now i look like some boy crazy chick trying to hook up with someone in my circle of friends. uggh. i went home in tears. i really don't know why guys want nothing more but friendship from me. they can't be that shallow - i'm 145 - not the 130 shown in the above photo - guys can't be that shallow to think that 145 is fat. i really don't know what is wrong with me. i think i'm pretty fantastic. but, i'm getting really sad that no one sees me as their dream girl.

don't mind me - i'm just your average 'buddy,' undesired by the opposite sex, with the exception of really nerdy and psychotic men.

well ,,, she's got a nice personality - 04.10.03

a> The current mood of at