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oxy moron
9:02 p.m. - 04.19.03

is it even a surprise that iraq wants to elect its own government? of course we are saying that they can't. they don't have the smarts. those looters don't have the capability to police themselves, much less govern. we will help them out - US to the rescue. no one even blinked (we were all too scared_ when we dropped in Karzai in afghanistan. there were no elections in afghanistan. yet, those are some other brown people we are supposed to be liberating. cnn had on their little news crawl that herion production and exports were its highest in afghanistan in 2002. hey, haven't we been running things there since october of 2001?

we are going to help them out with their democracy - is that an oxymoron, or just a moron who is running this? the british thought we were nuts when a bunch of ex-patriot religious got on a boat and came over here to live by their own rules and away from the british empire. we got really pissed at them when they tried to keep economic sanctions and taxes on us and keep us under their thumb. we showed them and kicked their ass and said get the heck out of our contry and we will do what we want. now we say that the iraqis who want to go it alone are unrealistic and untrained. they said it couldn't be done. we will now make sure it's not.

oxy moron - 04.19.03

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