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memorial weekend
8:14 p.m. - 05.28.02

this weekend was busy, beautiful and overwhelming.

i definitely feel like i'm out of my depression, but i'm afraid that i am not level now. i fear that i'm in a manic phase now - why??? because i am totally loving going out and seeing people i havent seen in a long time. i have wanted to be social this week. when i want to be social, i am on top of the world

friday started with meeting laura for a drink at 8. she just broke up with her boyfriend. hung out with her until 10. i felt so bad for her. then she asked me how i was doning - considering her circumstances, it was hard to tell her about my love for dave, since her heart had just been broken. but she was happy for me. she didn't even know me 4 years ago so she has never seen me in love. lawrence was working the door and asked me if i'd be interested in doing a guest appearance on his radio show. i think i might take him up on that.

then i met staci at pat's. we had a beer and i could only stay a half hour, because i told dave and jessica i'd meet them at 10:30.

the three of us had a great time at the rock and bowl. dave and i left and went to another bar. he showed me his photos and awards and stuff since we parted. then, we went back to his place. he kept asking me if it would freak me out to go to his place - since i lived there for 7 days and left.

i have to continue this later. i have the entire weekend to talk about, too: the walk in the valley, the conversation we had about on sunday night over a glass of red wine ...

my thoughts have been flooded with him, our past, and the future that we can have together

memorial weekend - 05.28.02

a> The current mood of at