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6:40 p.m. - 03.20.03

this is a letter i just wrote to the kind family i rented my villa from when i went to crete during the anthrax crisis.

i have been thinking about you today, since all of the terrible things have started to happen. i wish i was there right now - safe and free from shame.

i do feel a bit of shame today being from the states. i didn't want this to happen. i did not vote for the man. my mom and grandma think he is evil. i am so sad.

sometimes it is really hard to live here. there is so much pressure to 'get ahead' and to be better and make more money than the next man. it is dishonest to live like that. maybe that way is sometimes necessary, and maybe i am still young, but i believe you can live a better way.

other than being sad about the war, we are all well over here -- kala!

i am writing more, and more of my poems will be read tomorrow at an art gallery. i am happy.

please give my best to all,

efharisto, poli!


(translation: thank you very much! good night),

Yorgo and Nota are wonderful people. i arrived in northern crete about 2 hours late - about 11 p.m. the village cab driver had my name on a card and spoke the last english of any greek i've met, even on my last trip. i eventually was able to explain to him that they lost my luggage. we loaded my carry on to the very modest rusted red compact car which was, for the ride, my arrainged cab. the ride was to be at least three hours. we kept a fold out map on my lap and a small flash light he kept shoing me our progress as i began again to learn basic greek. we stopped for petrol. we motioned to his mouth if i wanted something to drink. he wouldn't accept my money, and asked me 'bira?' i knew that meant beer and he bought me the eouropean's equivalent to a bud - a 20 oz. amstel for the road. we arrived at my villa about 2 a.m. there were nota and yorgo. they spoke inglish. yorgo lit his pipe. the showed me into the apartment as i heard the waves for the first time. everything was pitchblack where the sounds were soming from.. it was still such a mystery to where i was. nota gave me a plate of home made cookies and juice. i told them my luggage was lost and would come in about 3 days. she gave me fresh village made honey and home made wine. man, THAT was a good evening -- home made wine, and i crawled my way down to the sea. there were lights from some of the villas, so i was ok. i saw some of the lights and moonlight glisten, but i couldn't exactly see the sea. but, dammit, i tasted it. i always taste any body of salt water i come by. its the most heavenly taste in my life. the next morning i woke up and discovered where i was and its visual bueaty. i'm glad i came at night. yorgo and nota and i write every so often. i wish i was there now.

kalispera - 03.20.03

a> The current mood of at