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guest book entry to henry rollins
7:56 p.m. - 11.06.02

entry to henry rollins

213 has been my number forever. i have been intrigued by the trinity that the three nimbers create. i was assaigned BOX #213 for my mail in college. then, in june of 2000, the number 213 kept popping up again and again. i wrote verse about it and recorded every time it was infront of me. after my dad's suicide, and my reunion with him as i said his eulogy ager he left us 20 years ago, the number was still in my mind. the number came to life the night when i was checked into the crisis unit. they said 'put her in room 213.' the room was next to the helicopter landing pad, next to the emergency room. in bed, i finally heard what my father heard in vietnam when he tried to sleep.

guest book entry to henry rollins - 11.06.02

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