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factoids, birthdays and grandma is sick
12:04 p.m. - 12.31.02

fun fact that i'm rather proud of: i'm related to Robert Burns - the National Poet of Scotland. he wrote the song that most of us will sing (or mumble cause we don't know all the words - lol)tonight at midnight - Auld Langs Sye. i just found this out a few years ago after my dad died and i saw my other side of the family. i was pretty excited.

plus - it is EMOGRRL'S BIRTHDAY TODAY. check out her site and give her some birthday love. she is one of my favorites, and her arm is giving her a lot of pain.

another fun fact: i now know 3 people who's birthday is today - and they are all named MICHELLE

grandma is sick today. that always makes me sad and worried. she was in the hospital just 2 months ago with a blood infection and pnemonia. she kept crying all last night, her body ached. she's real weak today. she couldn't lift herself from the toilet. try lifting a crying 400 pound old woman from the toilet and lead her to her walker - it ain't a picnic.

i'm worried about my plans tonight. selfishly i want to go out. i just went up to the music club last night to buy my ticket for the show so i saved 4 bucks. it's gonna be a great show - the Bassholes, the New Bomb Turks (their last show) and the Dirtbombs. my brother matt is working the door. matt and i are supposed to go over jessica's first, have munchies there, matt will leave for the club at 7, and jessica and clint and i plan to be there by 9.

i don't want to screw over jessica at all. she invited several kats to come out with us, and they all backed out yesterday. but, if grandma spikes a fever i gotta call 911. if i leave for jessica's at 5 like i'm supposed to that means that grandma will be alone at least until 11:30, until mom gets home from work. please keep your fingers crossed. again, i hate feeling selfish about this but i do want to go. but, most importantly, i don't want grandma to be sick. it always breaks my heart and i always worry that this will be the 'last' time.

thanks for reading. i always feel better after i vent.

factoids, birthdays and grandma is sick - 12.31.02

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